Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Belated Thanksgivingy Post

Life sure has been hectic here as of late.  As always teaching school, learning school, kids, housework, homework, housework, and more homework have been consuming my every waking moment.  We Smiths all really enjoyed having a long weekend over Thanksgiving (recuperating from the stomach bug which I am pleased to annouce did not get me *knock on wood*) putting away all the fall decorations and gearing up for Christmas.  This will be the very first Christmas in this house, and as we pulled out all our packed decorations we realized that what filled up our old house barely made a dent in the new one!  So we got to shop! (Although I must say my cheap frugal side had some issues buying all this stuff at full price when in a few shorts weeks it will be discounted.)
I had picked up a set of foam people several months ago and we had a blast making our "pilgrims and indians".

We personalized a few of them....
On Thanksgiving we spread our feast out on the table and counted our many blessings of the past year.
And of course finished up with some pumpkin pie and a good movie!
Friday we awoke to the first snowfall!  I guess those window clings I gave the girls worked.  We avoided the Black Friday rush, but made a trip to Lexington in the evening to snag some Christmas goodies.  I'll post pictures later of our decorations.
It was a quiet, low-key Thanksgiving involving just our own little family, but it was perfect.

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