Monday, January 4, 2010

The end of peace and quiet and new beginnings...

Anna is back.

Our quiet is gone.

Libby is busy - all day, everyday - but she's generally not very noisy (on the flipside of this, when she is, she is loud!). With Anna here we now have constant chatter, singing during dinner, dancing while we're trying to catch bits of the news to see what's going on outside our walls. She is the end of peace and quiet.

It's a good thing we love her. =D

And on to new beginnings...

Did you make your New Year's Resolutions yet? I've been contemplating mine for the last few days. I think I finally have a list to share.

This year, I resolve...

to exercise. I'm making it a goal to spend some quality time with the elliptical at least three times a week. I'm really lucky to have a great best friend to be my accountability partner in this. (Oh, hey Courtney? I don't owe you a dollar tomorrow!)

to keep my house clean(er). I do not like to clean, but I love a clean house. What a conundrum! With some well placed additions that brought new life into our living room this weekend, I'm inspired to keep our house looking showroom-perfect......okay, okay....probably not realistic. I'm just hoping to keep the toys from overtaking everything.

to choose my food, and my family's food more wisely. Last year I waged a war on high fructose corn syrup and trans fat. With the help of Whole Foods, I was able to substitute many of Anna's favorite, sugar-laden foods with healthy(ier) alternatives. Best find? Late July's double chocolate cookies. Sooooooo good!

pursue further education. I've put off getting my Master's for the past decade. To wait longer will only mean I'll be dealing with more kids, more responsibilities, less time and money, etc. So I'm looking into graduate program possibilities. Nothing definite yet. ;-)

make a concerted effort to pay off debt. We are blessed to so far not be drowning in debt, but with the purchase of a new vehicle (that is, at this moment, in the shop getting put back together from my catastrophe last month...) we are now back in car payment territory. Our visit outside lasted only a few short months, but the grass really was greener. I doubt we'll be able to pay it all off in one year, but hopefully no more than two. Remind me of this when I start dreaming of blue skies and tropical, sandy beaches come June.

Well, that's my list. I think it's enough to work on for now. Share with me what your resolutions are this year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on all of these. A wonderful list, and if you stick with it day-by-day, an attainable list. (It's just that whole "sticking with it" thing...)

    We are definitely starting our own exercise program next week (need this week to finish getting things cleaned up from the holidays and our trip over New Year's and just get back on a normal schedule.)

    Not committing to anything else in your comments right now, but other things are on our list, including parts of what you have above.

    Good luck with it all, and I hope everything goes well! It's all about small, consistent efforts to completely change the stresses in your life!
