WoW! What a week. Seriously. This week has, at times, tested my sanity and patience. We've had highs and lows and had to resign ourselves to having faith that God is in charge, even when things seem very unorganized here on our blue marble.
On Sunday we drove to Columbus and picked up the girls. Libby had a hard time the last hour or so of the trip...two-year-olds are not programmed to sit quietly and travel, that's for sure! Anna wanted to see the new house, so we swung by on the way back to our rental. She was excited to have a big hole in the ground to play in.

The neighborhood kids liked our gigantic play pen as well! For the record, I refer to this as our "walk space" - a cross between a basement and a crawl space. =)
Monday we were pleasantly surprised to find our framing lumber delivered and ready to set up!

Got studs? We do!!

And sheathing...

By Wednesday a different hive of worker bees arrived to frame the house. These guys work from sun up 'til sun down! In one day they transformed our hole into something that closer resembles an honest-to-goodness house!

Today when we stopped in they had the entire first floor framed, including the inside rooms! It's getting really exciting! Unfortunately, we did not have the camera so we will have to make another trip to photograph the progress.
On the down side of things, after being put off since the end of March, we finally got word from our Realtor that everything was in place to close on our old house today. So we took off work, trekked down to Lexington. And sat. And waited. And talked. And listened. And then learned that someone, somewhere, did not do their part and an important document didn't make it to those in charge of the closing. closing. It was disappointing and frustrating and aggravating. However, as bad as I felt, I couldn't help but feel worse for the buyers. They were expecting to be moved in last month and here they were living out of boxes on relatives' couches for the past few weeks. With small kids. My heart went out to them. After a long discussion we decided to allow them to move in today, and for a daily fee, stay there until we close (which we have been assured by the money holders that we WILL close, it's just a matter of when - which, for now, is scheduled for 5pm Monday. PRAY!!!!). At least now Earl doesn't have to drag the mower back there to whack down the jungle that was our yard. We really did not want to get into a rental situation, but this seemed to work out and make all parties happy.
To top off this crazy week, I have been delving into the grad school scene and planning out the next few semesters. It's going to'm not even sure words can describe it! But other people have survived grad school, so I have faith I will, too!