Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Shack

Have you read this book? Have you even heard of this book? If you answered no, go out and buy it. Seriously. I'm almost through reading it and it continues to draw me in. I'm still unsure if it is profound, or could be considered sacreligious. I mean, who ever thought of God as a Mammy-type figure? However, the way the author portrays and explains the Trinity and God's love for all creation is unlike anything I've ever read or heard before.

The premise of the book is that Mack, a "lost sheep" is hurting after the brutal kidnapping and supposed murder of his youngest daughter. Several years after the incident, The Great Sadness has enveloped him, leading him to push away from God. One snowy afternoon he receives a mysterious note from "Papa", which is the name his wife uses for God, asking him to return to the shack where police believe his daughter was murdered. Mack at first is outraged, thinking it is a prank, or a trick from the killer to lure him away from his family, but as he realizes that it could be a message from his Heavenly Father, he feels compelled to head back to the place where his worst nightmare materialized. So, after arranging for his family to leave town, Mack travels to the shack, intending to confront God for turning His back on his daughter when she needed Him the most....

So go buy it, borrow it from a friend, steal, no, don't do that! hah! But somehow get your hands on a copy, and let me know what you think!

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