Thursday, April 28, 2011

Growing Kittens and Catching Up

Both Indy and Ella are doing great!  They survived Libby's overwhelming "love" through their fragile kitty stage.  After two rounds of deworming medicine, we finally got them healthy and growing.  Now they enjoy getting into mischeif and racing to see you can cause the most damage to my furniture. 

Indy is still a gentle, lovey, purring, rather stupid furry feline.  He's still quite often taken by surprise when Libby scoops him up out of a sound sleep.  He's slowly learning that the safest place for him to snooze is on the top level of their kitty tree - far out of Libby's reach!

That cute little dotted nose!  I love it!

Ella is getting over her aloofness and becoming more lovey.  She's still more likely to ran maniacally (is that even a word) around the house. 

One night we caught her hanging (literally) from the top of our curtains.

Needless to say, both kitties are going in for their surgeries next week.  A spay, a neuter and hernia fix.....and, after much consideration, we've decided to get them declawed.  I'm still not 100% convinced it's not a barbaric procedure designed solely for human convenience.  However, after talking to several (yes, I'm a nerd like that) vets, I believe the pros will outweigh the cons.  At the very least, our kitties will be treated to the newest, high-tech, laser claw-removing-surgery.

With a high-tech price tag attached.



On the homefront...well...I am just utterly grateful to God that we still HAVE a homefront.  It's been a crazy month!  The tornado sirens have certainly been getting a work-out, that's for sure.  April still has several days to go and already it broke the record for the rainiest April and earned a place in the top ten rainiest months.  Of all time.  Yipee!  Oh, and did I mention that I heard on the news the other day that May statistically gets hit by more tornadoes than any other month?

Oh boy.

Over Easter weekend we got hammered with rain.  Our already saturated ground couldn't soak it in fast enough and as a result our backyard turned into quite the water park.

So we did what any other sane, normal parents would do.

We encouraged our kids to splash around in the ice cold water while thunder rippled threateningly in the distance.
And it was fun.

These are my feet.  We had a good 3 inches of water rushing by.

For the record, we did lecture our offspring on the importance of caution when it comes to flood water.

Then we took a drive around the county to see all the flooded areas.

Life has been flying by at its usual hectic pace. 

There is a light at the end of the grad school tunnel - just TWO more assignments and I am FINISHED!  I'm really looking forward to taking the summer off completely.  No work, no school work, no house building.  I'm just going to enjoy the time off with the girls, work on keeping the house clean and cooking good meals, and hopefully go on a few vacations as well.

Anna celebrated her 7th year of life on April 17th.  We treated her and her royal firends to a tea party that weekend.  I'll post pictures soon. =)

1 comment:

  1. Lots of topics to touch on in this one!

    Cute kitties! Yes, our next cat is going to be getting declawed, too, despite still having some reservations about it. (Not enough to prevent the declawing, though.)

    WOW, that's a lot of water running through your backyard! And I *LOVE* Libby's face looking up at the sky. Great photo to put with that line, "...while thunder rippled threateningly in the distance." :-)

    The grass is looking green.
