But I still have a few more things to post about Smith happenings this past Fall.
For starters, Halloween.
I'm not a huge Halloween person. Sure, I like the chocolate, but I'd much rather just eat the leftovers from costumed kids ringing our doorbell.
Unfortunately, every year I am out voted, so we shell out money for costumes for our own kidlets.
This year Anna was a princess vampire vampire princess bride.
Libby was Super Libby!
I hauled them around our neighborhood (which gives out AWESOME candy) and Libby had a blast ringing doorbells, thrusting her bag out, and saying "Happy Hannoween!"
And we still have a pretty big bag of the sugary candies leftover...
The weekend after Halloween we packed up the girls and headed to Western PA to drop Libby off at my parents' house and meet our friends' new baby.
If you are somewhat familiar with Western PA, you know all about one of the most beautiful, iconic parks in the area - McConnell's Mill State Park.
I spent many Sunday afternoons of my childhood at the Mill...
eating KFC,
and clambering over the moss covered boulders.
The path along the river is relatively flat, and mostly paved.
If you happen to arrive in the morning you'll be in for quite a treat as the sun filters through the trees.
Climb the rocks at your own risk. =)
Gotta love the old millstones...
and the sunburst....yummy!
Hug a tree!
Marvel at nature...
Are you tired of the sunburst yet?
Too bad, here's another one...
This has to be my favorite picture, by the way!
Annnnd......last one!
After hiking up an appetite we decided to visit our old "Stomping Grounds" and hit up SRU!