Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh Libby!

There is a reason God made Libby so stinkin' cute.

A very, very good reason!

You know you have a toddler if...

...every sharp utensil is placed well above the reach of little hands.

...none of your furniture has sharp corners.

...all of your drawers and cabinets are childproofed.

...and so are your outlets.

...and doorknobs.

...your toilet paper is no longer located on the roll.

...tiny fingerprints smudge all walls and doors below 36 inches.

...blood curdling screams don't bother you.

...but you worry when it's quiet.

...you say, "No, no NO!" about 579,086 times a day.

...9 0'clock sounds like a good bedtime....for you.

...you find yourself singing "Old MacDonald had a Farm" in the car...when you're by yourself.

...your weekly shopping trip resembles the Supermarket Sweepstakes game.

...going anywhere - even to the dentist - alone is great fun.

...kiddie leashes begin to look appealing.

...you can carry on a conversation over a tantrum.

...you ask everyone - including your husband - if they have to "go potty".

...a vacation sounds like a lot of work.

...you may lose your mind if you have to say ,"Don't touch!" one more time.

...you laugh at least a hundred times a day at the silly antics of the tiny person in your home.

...you get to teach someone how to say, "I love you."

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